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Lou Decruss[_2_] Lou Decruss[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 2,830
Default Creamed chipped beef recipe?

On Tue, 24 Jun 2008 12:16:36 -0500, "Chris Marksberry"
> wrote:

>You know Blake, I think that "bobo's" (AKA Bryan)post is just the type of
>insult that would discourage new users of r.f.c. from ever wanting to join
>r.f.c. and therefore losing a lot of good potential posters. Bryan, of
>course, is not the lone poster of rudeness, insults, etc. I'm used to it
>and fully understand the concept of needing a thick skin when posting, but
>some people can't or won't realize that there's a real person behind who
>wrote the post. The only thing you can do is "get out of the kitchen if you
>can't stand the heat". Unfortunate though. Just my 2 cents.

Well said.

I don't mind someone with an opinion as long as there's a brain behind
it. If bozoboner ate as healthy as he preaches he wouldn't have that
beer belly.

I don't see his posts and luckily very few people respond to him so I
don't see much of that either.
