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George Shirley George Shirley is offline
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Default Creamed chipped beef recipe?

Dan Abel wrote:
> In article
> >,
> Nancy2 > wrote:
>> Chipped dried beef and SOS are two different dishes. The military is
>> famous for SOS which is ground beef, browned and then added to the
>> white gravy. Chipped (diced) dried beef is completely different
>> because it uses thinly-sliced dried beef, not ground beef. Duh.

> My understanding (and I was never in the military) was that the original
> SOS was made with dried beef. Well, that stuff just isn't cheap
> anymore, and even though it kept without refrigeration, either they had
> refrigeration or they switched to individual rations. So, the military
> switched to using ground meat for SOS.

Exactly, when I was active duty USN back from 1957 to 1960 we had real
dried beef SOS. The only ground beef we were served was in spaghetti
sauce or a breakfast dish made with tomato sauce, onions, ground beef,
served over toast. I won't say what we called it then because it was
quite indelicate. Chipped dried beef is very expensive today compared to
then and the military has budgets for food believe it or not.