Thread: My Limoncello
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Goomba[_2_] Goomba[_2_] is offline
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Default My Limoncello

Dimitri wrote:

>> Also note that Everclear varies in strength depending
>> on where it's sold. The good stuff is 190 proof, but
>> 151 is what's sold in California.

> I was told that 190 proof alcohol if consumed in that form will burn
> (damage) the mucus membrane ergo the 151 proof limitation.
> I can not seem to verify this information.

LOL, there is a strong health warning label on the Everclear, for sure!
I don't have it handy now but recall it vividly. But wouldn't that risk
be diminished by the time you add simple syrup to the limoncello?

A funny on Everclear-My brother was the city manager in a dry city in NC
yet when it came to some routine public works water testing, Everclear
was a lot cheaper to use than buying the equivalent through a laboratory
chemical supply source. So every month or so when the water works
employee would drive to the next county to buy Everclear from the liquor
store, without fail my brother would get phone calls complaining of a
county car being seen at the liquor store and what kind of drunks did he
employ?! LOL