Creamed chipped beef recipe?
Lou Decruss wrote:
> On Tue, 24 Jun 2008 16:02:56 -0500, "Gregory Morrow"
> > wrote:
> >
> >The Booboo sometimes I think must be Martha Hughes in drag...
> And they have the same taste in music. Or should I say "screaming"
When someone *really* wanted to get Mothra going (years ago, on they'd say "metal sucks"...
In her case it was Death Metal, her whole life revolved around it. I'm very
tolerant - forgiving of others' musical tastes, but it's no wonder she was
so depressive and fooked - up. If my life was not in a good place I would
*not* listen to Death Metal...
===>> Oh, her fave opera was _Gotterdammerung_...I kid you not...
Greg "Is Mothra still alive...???"