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Default Tonight's dinner

On Tue, 24 Jun 2008 13:03:49 -0700, Julian Vrieslander
> wrote:

>In article >,
> "Kent" > wrote:
>> It sounds good. What liquid did you braise the duck in, in addition to
>> chicken stock? Did you add red wine? What seasonings? Did you thicken the
>> sauce?

>[The infamous SO responding...]

Hey - this is nice, being able to hook one poster with another. Maybe
others knew already, but I hadn't noticed there was a connection
between you two.
>I participated in this project at the very beginning, discovering the
>cherries in the freezer, and at the very end, finishing the sauce. I
>added a bit of brown suger, a splash of balsamic vinegar, and some
>shreds of fresh mint. Duck was removed from the pan, heat turned up to
>reduce the liquid. Sometimes we toss in a bit of beurre manié (equal
>parts flour and butter, squooshed into a blob) to thicken sauces. But
>duck is already on the fatty side, so we did not do it this time, and it
>was not missed.

This is the crucial part anyway, Dr. V.

>I'l leave it to Cindy to report the spices and braising liquids. I was
>playing with the cats while she was doing that part.

Yeah, yeah... just like a man. Let the little woman do the hard part,
you do the part that gets raves and take a sweeping bow. LOL Encore,

I never worry about diets. The only carrots that interest me are the number of carats in a diamond.

Mae West