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Ms P Ms P is offline
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Default eating moldy butter

"sf" <.> wrote in message news
> On Tue, 24 Jun 2008 18:34:08 -0700 (PDT), Monsignor Tartarus Sanctus
> > wrote:
>>Hi all. We went on vacation and left a covered butter dish with a full
>>stick of butter for a month. When we returned, it was covered with
>>many different colored molds, but as man is wont to do, I smelled it,
>>and it smelled like excellent gorgonzola. I put it in a dish in the
>>fridge, because I am curious -- is it safe to taste and maybe to eat?
>>If it tastes as good as it smells, and is safe, then why not? Isn't it
>>just extremely fatty cheese?

> 1. Butter gets moldy?
> 2. If it did, throw it out. Costs just a few pennies to replace.
> 3. Or don't. God be with you.

I had Land O' Lakes butter mold so many times I quit buying that brand. I
never tried eating it though, I just tossed it.

Ms P