Fried rice methods
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Fried rice methods
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>On Tue, 24 Jun 2008 10:43:02 GMT,
>[snippage] and more {snips]
>>Last night I started out to go the "practical" way using a frying pan
>>and peanut oil. I added the bacon (two chopped rashers) to the hot
>>pan; then the onion (smallish) and red capsicum (quarter) -- both
>>chopped -- and a smallish "knob" of finely chopped ginger, quickly
>>followed by 3 sliced shallots. Next went in some thawed frozen peas
>>(about 1/2 cup), and the rice (about 300 ml cooked).
>>Then I thought about making a well in the brew to cook the egg
>>"omlette", but there wasn't enough bloody room left!
>>So the main mix got chucked onto my intended serving plate and the
>>eggs (2, with a bit of salt, pepper, and a dash of soy sauce whisked
>>in) were cooked and roughly chopped up separately before the rest of
>>the brew was returned to the pan to reheat with about a teaspoon of
>>sesame oil stirred through as everything got well mixed.
>>It made a fair heap of tucker in the end and I started out to reserve
>>about a third for a snack at lunch time today. But it was too good
>>and I ended up scoffing the lot last night!
>>My main criticism of the effort is that I didn't get any nice brown
>>crunchy bits in the rice. Probably just not using enough heat and too
>>much stuff in the pan. But it still tasted pretty bloody good! :-)
>Sounds like you did a great job Phred. Now I have to try my hand at it.
Let us all know how you go Koko. Knowledge is power! ;-)
Cheers, Phred.
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