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Jean B.[_1_] Jean B.[_1_] is offline
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Default Tuesday Night Dinner

Wayne Boatwright wrote:
> On Wed 25 Jun 2008 05:59:35a, Jean B. told us...
>> Wayne Boatwright wrote:
>>> On Tue 24 Jun 2008 06:26:06p, PeterLucas told us...
>>>> Wayne Boatwright > wrote in
>>>> 6.120:
>>>>> We're having southern fried chicken, which I will then put in a
>>>>> baking dish, drizzle with honey, and bake slowly for a while. Along
>>>>> with that will be blackeyed pea salad, sliced tomatoes and
>>>>> cucumberes, and southern style cornbread.
>>>> How do you 'southern fry' a chook, and then bake it slowly with honey?
>>> True southern fried chicken is neither battered nor breaded, but only
>>> well coated in seasoned flour and fried in about 3/4 to 1 inch of
>>> melted shortening. It develops a very crisp crust. When I plan to
>>> bake it with the honey, I don't fry it until it is completely done, but
>>> only until well browned. I lay the pieces out in a single layer in a
>>> baking dish, drizzle the crusted chicken with honey, then bake it for
>>> 35-45 minutes in a 300°F over. During the baking the honey soaks into
>>> the crust on the chicken, and the crust is still crisp. Very nice
>>> taste, good served hot or at room temperature.

>> Gah.... You are reminding me of when I was in my teens. There
>> was a fried chicken place near Boston University that served the
>> chicken with honey. It was so yummy! I need to experience that
>> again at least once!

> Do make it, Jean, it's delicious.

I'd prolly cheat and do an oven-fried chicken--and then it
wouldn't be as good. I have only fried chicken a few times, not
in the past three decades, and I never did get anywhere near
mastering it.

Jean B.