8th Continent Soy-Milk Deception
"Daniel Miller" > wrote in message
> On Fri, 19 Mar 2004 02:14:15 GMT, "Lorraine"
> > wrote:
> >I don't recall lanolin ever being listed as an ingredient. I could be
> >wrong. However, the lanolin comes from vitamin D3, derived from wool
> Reflecting on it for a bit, I am not sure I ever read lanolin listed
> there either, I could have got the information from the article you
> quoted or a similar one.
> Lanolin is an interesting question for vegans. It is a oily skin
> secretion that gets on the wool as it grows and is separated from the
> wool after the sheep is shorn. So it doesn't really hurt the sheep.
> But it is an animal product. So what should vegans make of it?
> This leaves aside the aesthetic question of drinking an oily sheep
> skin secretion, which I personally find sort of repulsive.
Hehe. Yeah, there is a certain ick factor to the idea of drinking anything
with skin secretion in it. Since the sheep don't seem to be killed in order
to acquire the secretion, I guess the vitamins derived from it could be
categorized as vegetarian. Technically, it probably wouldn't be considered
vegan since it is animal derived, as is the wool itself which many vegans
abstain from wearing, or at least strive to eliminate from their wardrobes.
However, I think that it comes down to just allowing your conscience to
guide you on whether that is something you need to be concerned about.
Vitamin D3 or not, I personally don't want to have anything to do with it
just based on the fact that it's coming from Dupont. Their soybeans are
more than likely genetically modified. That's a big no-no in my book, which
would hold true even if I weren't vegan. There are so many other good soy
milks out there. I just assume to leave 8th Continent to its presumed
target market - omnis who are either trying to get more soy into their diets
or those who are lactose intolerant.