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blake murphy[_2_] blake murphy[_2_] is offline
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Default Tonight's dinner

On Tue, 24 Jun 2008 23:58:21 -0700, Julian Vrieslander
> wrote:

>In article >, sf <.> wrote:
>> >I'l leave it to Cindy to report the spices and braising liquids. I was
>> >playing with the cats while she was doing that part.

>> Yeah, yeah... just like a man. Let the little woman do the hard part,
>> you do the part that gets raves and take a sweeping bow. LOL Encore,
>> encore!

>Well, she did most of the creative work on this one. I take no credit,
>other than coming up with the suggestion to combine duck and cherries.
>By coincidence, we had a nice Spanish wine already opened. It was a
>garnacha, which I'm guessing is similar to a grenache. Very cherry-like
>in flavor, a perfect match.
>I really like most any duck recipes, but it's not always been that way.
>There was a time, when I was very young, that I could not stand the
>thought of those critters. My parents' first house was across the
>street from a duck farm. File this away: never pick a house across the
>street from a duck farm. In particular, never live across the street
>and down-wind from a duck farm.

i used to know a gal who grew up on a turkey farm. are ducks any
smarter (or less vile) than turkeys?

your pal,