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Goomba[_2_] Goomba[_2_] is offline
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Default Corn & certain nuts bad for the colon?

Paul McNoob wrote:
> Years ago I knew someone who had colon issues, and their doctor said
> they needed to cut back on the amount of corn and nuts they ate.
> Otherwise they might have to have some of their colon removed (from
> what I can recall).
> Is this true? And if so, is it strictly a matter of moderation - or it
> doesn't matter how little you eat, it's bad for your colon, period.
> I know that the intestines have trouble with that almost translucent
> skin of the kernels.
> I didn't know that nuts could be "harmful" if at all? Though I know
> about peanuts often not being completely broken down, so that must be
> hard on the intestines too if not completely chewed properly.

When people develop diverticulosis/diverticulitis, little pockets of
intestine develop that small seeds and nuts (and perhaps undigested
corn) can be trapped in. This can inflame the bowel and set up
infection. High fiber diets help keep things moving along and perhaps
avoid the development of these conditions in the first place.