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Blinky the Shark Blinky the Shark is offline
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Default Creamed chipped beef recipe?

Randy Johnson wrote:

> On 24-Jun-2008, Blinky the Shark > wrote:
>> Found that Hormel product today at my pedestrian chain supermarket. Shit
>> was a buck an ounce. Yow. I was surprised that it was ground up and
>> fabricated into slices. I figured you guys were going for a
>> real-not-paste meat.

> Dude, its "canned" meat; expect all "canned" (meaning "put up", like canning
> tomatoes) meat to be flaked and formed, or scraped and compressed, or somes
> sort of floor-scraps made into something manageable. Just 'cause it started
> out as floor-scrap paste don't mean it ain't tasty.

Canned ("put up") pigs feet aren't flaked/formed/scraped/compressed.

> If it was the kind in a jar instead of the pouch, you have to deduct the

It was the glass jar. When I wrote "found that Hormel product", up above,
it was on the line after the link to Hormel jarred beef. Someone snipped
that association, above.

> cost of a juice glass before you calculate the cost per ounce. If you
> don't drink juice, donate the glass to charity and take a 50 cent
> deduction on your taxes.

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