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Lou Decruss[_2_] Lou Decruss[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 2,830
Default Creamed chipped beef recipe?

On Wed, 25 Jun 2008 20:26:39 GMT, "l, not -l" > wrote:

>On 25-Jun-2008, Lou Decruss > wrote:
>> So many people don't know how to make gravy. This group is not
>> typical of the fast food crazed society we live in. A few weeks ago
>> we were on a weekend holiday with friends. They, and Louise eat
>> breakfast. I don't. The husband of the other couple made some eggs
>> and breakfast sausage. He asked what he should do to clean the cast
>> pan he did the sausage in. I told him to leave it for my lunch.
>> Later I made gravy and put it on some toast with the leftover sausage.
>> They were amazed at how easy it was. Many people can't cook.

>I can't believe my local grocer sells a bag of cooked and peeled hard-boiled

I've seen those. And expensive too. People freak out when I shred my
own cheese. Someone said: Why don't you buy it pre-shredded? I said
I didn't want the anti-caking agents in my cheese. They said: HUH?

> Apparently even in some small restaurants can't or don't want to
>cook. I was in Sam's Club the other day and while wandering down an aisle
>spotted a gallon can of "sausage gravy"; over in the freezer case they had
>frozen biscuits that you just pop in the oven.

Gawd that's sad.

>Guess you don't even have to cook anymore to start a crummy diner.

LOL.. You just need a bunch of money and be prepared to face the fact
that there's a 90% chance you'll lose it all in 12 months.
