The Irrational Search for Micrograms of Animal Parts ( 8thContinent Soy-Milk Deception)
William Hershman wrote:
> "Jonathan Ball" > wrote in message
>>William Hershman wrote:
>>>"Jonathan Ball" > wrote in message
>>>>...which will henceforth be shortened to either the
>>>>Irrational Search, or the Search for Micrograms.
>>>Most of Jonathan's parts are measured in micrograms.
>>>Ha! gotcha JB.
>>How ya been?
> I've been fine, busy preparing for an actuarial exam in May. It's tough;
> wish me luck.
Oh, you bet. I worked with some actuaries at a
prop/cas reinsurance company for a few years. It's a
tough field.
>>>You make a good point, but I think the decision to avoid animal products
> has
>>>already been made.
>>If the wish to avoid animal parts were based on
>>something rational, e.g. allergic reaction, I could see
>>it. But don't you, Bill, think the Search for
>>Micrograms is...well, just ****ing silly to the Nth degree?
> For myself, yes I do think it's silly. I eat a mostly vegan diet because I
> think it's the most healthy way for me to eat. I've tried other diets, and
> found that this works best for me. But for someone avoiding animal
> products for other reasons, no I don't think it's silly. I wouldn't think
> it's silly for a Jew trying to keep Kosher to Search for Micrograms of Pig
> products.
That's a very different thing. It's a highly specific
religious injunction, and it's an end in itself.
"veganism" is ostensibly a means to an end, and the end
is supposed to be the pursuit of a principle, NOT the
demonstration of how assiduously one can follow a rule.
> Or Search for Micrograms of dairy products, since those aren't
> permitted for a certain time after eating meat.
Same objection.
> Would I make such a decision? NO. I haven't and I wouldn't. But is it
> irrational to be zealous in trying to follow one's principles? (or is it
> principals?)
The former is the correct word, but it's irrelevant,
because the Irrational Search proves that it *isn't*
about any principle.
> I think that's the question. I don't know the answers.
> Anyone care to chime in on this?
I doubt it. The truth would be too harmful.
>>>This thread is just to help people follow that
>>>decision, and whether it's a rational one or not is another
>>> which most would avoid debating with you.
>>Why do you suppose that is?
> I suppose they just don't care for you very much, and I find that hard to
> believe. You're so charming, and likable.
Well thanks...I think...but I don't believe that's it.
I think it's because they already know the result
will be devastating.