Thread: water or milk?
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kilikini kilikini is offline
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Default water or milk?

> A couple of years ago I was told to mix milk with eggs for omelettes
> and water with eggs for scrambled eggs....or vice-versa. Is this
> true and which should be used with which?
> Best wishes,
> Ellie.... who is suffering from the smoke from the San Bruno mountain
> (SF Peninsula) fire and other nearby CA fires....but not nearly as
> much as the poor people who have lost homes and businesses.....I feel
> so sorry for these folks

I don't use either for scrambled or omelettes; I use straight egg. My mom
used to use milk in her scrambled eggs and since I rarely purchase milk
anymore, when I make eggs, I honestly can't tell the difference. Maybe
they're not quite as fluffy, but they taste fine.
