water or milk?
On Wed 25 Jun 2008 11:23:58p, told us...
> A couple of years ago I was told to mix milk with eggs for omelettes and
> water with eggs for scrambled eggs....or vice-versa. Is this true and
> which should be used with which?
> Best wishes,
> Ellie.... who is suffering from the smoke from the San Bruno mountain
> (SF Peninsula) fire and other nearby CA fires....but not nearly as much
> as the poor people who have lost homes and businesses.....I feel so
> sorry for these folks
Water will make scrambled eggs or omemlettes "fluffy". I don't like
"fluffy" in either one. I control the creaminess of scrambled eggs by the
degree of cooking, sometimes adding a knob of butter toward the end of
cooking if I want to enrich them. I prefer firm omelettes, so I add
neither water nor cream. Cream will make a less firm omelette.
Wayne Boatwright
Thursday, 06(VI)/26(XXVI)/08(MMVIII)
Save the turtles - don't wax your car.