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Nancy Young Nancy Young is offline
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Default Tuesday Night Dinner

Lou Decruss wrote:
> On Thu, 26 Jun 2008 09:19:05 -0400, "Nancy Young" >
> wrote:

>> I still have a mess of glass shelving from the previous owner's
>> pharmacy. Looks so useful I can't part with it.

> Have you ever used it?

Once. The window part of my birdfeeder was chewed
through by squirrels so I thought, replace it with glass,
there's some in the garage. Until that day I didn't realize
it wasn't window glass, but nice thick shelving glass. It
takes up no room because it's against the wall behind
strapping or bracing or whatever that is between the studs.

And it made a fabulous squirrel proof window. (laugh)
Funny to watch their astonishment at this smooth clear

> How long you lived there? I've been using the
> 12 month rule pretty close. I just sold a bunch of copper cookware
> and mixing bowls that still had price tags on them.

I hear you loud and clear. That's been my ongoing project
inside the house. The stuff I got rid of just in the last month,
*bags* of clothing. Speakers. Etc.

> The receipt was
> from 2001. After all that time if I hadn't used them I knew i never
> would. But they sure looked useful.

I would have bought those bowls from you, probably. And the
price of copper these days?

>> Costco has a nice metal one for some $85. I noticed it because I
>> just bought one online, exactly the same only half the height for
>> $85. Goes together like a dream and it's solid. In case anyone is
>> looking for nice shelving. I thought of getting it for my utility
>> room.

> Are they the S/S wire rack thingies?

Yes. Stylish and sturdy.

>I got one of those from Costco
> and I really like it. It has locking wheels so it's easy to move and
> clean under. Costco used to have Gorilla shelves that are fabulous.
> They're metal frames with wooden shelves. I got 4 sets. I think about
> 65 bucks each, but that was several years ago.

Nice. And I bet you can find your stuff. I'm sick of buying stuff
then finding out I already have it in a pile in the garage.
