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PeterLucas[_5_] PeterLucas[_5_] is offline
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Posts: 1,025
Default Tuesday Night Dinner

"Jean B." > wrote in


> I am not going to have the money for a gutting and reconstruction.
> I am REALLY hoping to find a nice antique house that hasn't been
> gutted by anyone else either.

Over here, they call them "Heritage Houses" ....... they're worth a
veritable fortune, but you can't update/modify anything without the
Heritage Councils approval.

Screw that!!!

> And I want a fireplace with Dutch/beehive ovens in it.... Big
> enough to eat in, anyway.

What's that old Pommy woodfired stove ........ Angus??... Agar???

Jamie Oliver uses one one his recent shows.

Peter Lucas

Life is a walk of death. Each day we walk hand in hand with death, and
nothing can guarantee our living one more day.
Treat every breath as the last, every heart beat, every moonrise, and
every smile.
For who can say they won't be... Ride the Wind's, and where ever they
take you, make it better, that is the way of the warrior.