Semi-Homemade with Sandra Lee: Drive In
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Semi-Homemade with Sandra Lee: Drive In
> Ubiquitous > wrote:
>> What's with all these "on location" eps they've been making lately? And
>> why the hell did she drag all that equipment ( but no fridge) to the
>> parking lot of a DRIVE IN RESTAURANT? I can only guess she was barred
>> from entering the
>> kitchen where the real cooking was happening.
>Here's the scary thing: We now get Hi-Def FoodTV, and this was the
>first time the DVR lit up with a "NEW" episode of SLop. So we got to
My condolences.
Does the "vasoline effect" work on HD TV?
>> "Sweet potato chili fries" made without sweet potatoes. Thank GAWD.
>> SLop took a bag of Oreida fries and redundantly seasoned them, then put
>> them on the grill, one fry at a time instead of just dumping them and
>> spreading them out.
>> SLop claimed that Rudy's was selling walnut burgers twenty years ago
>> when she was in college spending al her time there and when she invented
>> AVOCADO hamburgers. Yeah, right.
>Yeah, that old classic, walnut burgers. Huh?
Ha! I am incredulous that people were even eating vegetarian burgers that
long ago.
>> Did you know C’lleen had never had avocado on a hamburger before she met
>> Sandy? Now you know. Again.
>And she's never eaten a burger without avocado since. In 20 years. She
>must just be a JOY at fast food restaurants and bbqs.
"Can you believe my best friend in college invented the AVOCADO BACON
>> Dad joined me at this point after seeing the classic cars in the lot
>The cars were the best part!
Probably the most edible part, too.
>> SLop babbled something about how she lurves how it looks like a city of
>> lights when they turn them on. Thankfully, she did not mention France.
>> We laughed out loud about SLop giving out mini squeeze-bottles of
>> ketchup because everyone argues over ketchup. SLop gushed about these
>and yet in other eps she's constantly finding ways to not give the kids
>ketchup, like by giving them chili sauce or something.
Or making alternative things, made from ketchup.
>> cool snap apart place settings she found online somewhere [1], but holy
>> crap, they cost $12 for a set of four! How the hell is that going to
>> save one money?
>> [1]:
>Maybe if, like Sandy, your friends are imaginary?
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