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Lou Decruss[_2_] Lou Decruss[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 2,830
Default Tuesday Night Dinner

On Thu, 26 Jun 2008 14:43:39 -0400, "Nancy Young" >

>Lou Decruss wrote:
>> On Thu, 26 Jun 2008 10:30:51 -0400, "Nancy Young" >
>> wrote:

>>> Once. The window part of my birdfeeder was chewed
>>> through by squirrels so I thought, replace it with glass,
>>> there's some in the garage. Until that day I didn't realize
>>> it wasn't window glass, but nice thick shelving glass.

>> How did you cut it? It sounds like 1/4" plate which is usually
>> tempered and I didn't think it could be cut.

>1/4" sounds about right, with polished, rounded edges with
>a greenish appearance from an angle. I scored it with a little
>glass cutting tool I somehow managed to find in my toolbox.
>It wasn't as easy, of course, being thicker than usual, but it
>broke where I wanted it to. Didn't shatter into all smooth
>pieces, so I don't know if it's tempered or what.

I was curious so I googled. You don't have tempered. It can't be cut.
>> It's amazing how much stuff we can collect. Even the condiments in
>> the fridge can get out of control. <---OB food.

>> When we moved last
>> summer we used 3-10 yard dumpsters. We made countless trips to donate
>> stuff to our favorite charity resale store after we had 2 garage
>> sales. We still have stuff to fill up 2 homes and have a basement
>> filled with stuff we're digging through.

>I remember you going through that. Big job, and not done yet, yikes.

It's certainly done enough for us to live, but things keep
reproducing. <g> I lost a tub that had a bamboo steamer and a deep
fryer in it. It showed up 8 or 9 months after we moved. Believe me,
we're not lazy pigs, we just have too much space for things to collect
in. We've got one bedroom with ceiling high shelving units on 3
walls. The other wall has the desk and files. Everything on the
shelves is for sale and will go on eBay in the fall. We both took 5
months off last year after we moved and didn't have to use any
