Gordon Ramsay... forget about "cussing"
Gloria P wrote:
> Goomba wrote:
>> tkloth wrote:
>>> My wife gags, she doesn't especially like beef, when I sop up the
>>> juice on the bottom of the (steak) plate with some bread. She says,
>>> "You're eating blood!" I enjoy it. I love her dearly but what do I
>>> say?
>> That she's an immature twit and hopefully isn't raising any children
>> with such limiting ideas?
> And it's NOT blood, it's myoglobin and it's delicious.
> gloria p
> meant to be a carnivore
I had friends years ago that disliked chicken served on the bone. The
wife would cut it off the bone in the kitchen to spare the husband
seeing it. I always wondered if that unspoken attitude was passed on to
the kids? And what a nuisance that would be later on in life when those
kids were outside of the house and served those dreadful bone in fried
chicken legs!