On Thu 26 Jun 2008 07:52:36a, notbob told us...
> On 2008-06-26, > wrote:
>> water with eggs for scrambled eggs....or vice-versa. Is this true and
>> which should be used with which?
> I rabidly disagree with this practice and will add no additional liquids
> any sort to scrambled eggs. For years I added milk cuz that's what my
> mother did, but I began to notice there was always a residual amount of
> moisture to the eggs. If I didn't overcook them in the pan (browned),
> find this moisture draining out on the plate. It took me quite awhile
> before I realized it was from the milk and/or water. Cooking scambled
> with no aditional liquids completely eliminates this phenomena.
> nb
I totally agree. Achieving the consistency you want is directly dependent
on the level of heat, how the eggs are moved about in the pan, and the
duration of cooking time.
Wayne Boatwright
Thursday, 06(VI)/26(XXVI)/08(MMVIII)
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