Thread: Supper tonight
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Jean B.[_1_] Jean B.[_1_] is offline
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Default Supper tonight

hahabogus wrote:
> For a while now I've been craving Chicken Salad...
> So today I'll make a large batch of it. My recipe is: mayo, chopped
> chicken, celery, walnut crumbs, toasted minced dried onion, sliced radish,
> sliced water chestnuts and sliced button mushrooms (usually used as a
> filler)...salt and pepper to taste. Occassionally I'll add canned manderin
> orange slices.
> What's your recipe for chicken salad?

The only one I have made recently is large chunks of chicken and
pineapple, celery, water chestnuts, toasted almonds, crunchy
noodles (added at serving time) in dressing made of mayo, lemon
juice, chutney, and curry powder. I was just thinking if I did
this with smaller chunks of chicken and used crushed pineapple,
drained as well as possible, and no noodles, it might be possible
to transmogrify this into a sandwich filling. I find the normal
chicken salad sandwiches to be boring.

Jean B.