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Wayne Boatwright[_3_] Wayne Boatwright[_3_] is offline
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Default Country fried club steaks

On Thu 26 Jun 2008 06:46:58p, Steve Pope told us...

> Janet > wrote:
>>"Dimitri" > wrote in message

>>> "Sheldon" > wrote in message

>>>> Club steak is Delmonico... don't you think that's wasteful... using
>>>> club steak for chicken fried is like using filet mignon for pot pies.
>>>> Chicken fried steak is cube steak (a tough cut of chuck mechanically
>>>> tenderized).

>>> Nope usually round steak.

>>I don't know what cut they use at Shoney's, but when I make it I use
>>pounded round steak.

> I don't see why a thin slice of boneless ribeye would be
> wasted in this dish, assuming it's prepared competently enough
> and the batter isn't like a half-inch thick.
> We're probably talking at most 3 or 4 ounce piece of steak.
> Think of it as "Mediterranean Style" proportions...
> S.

Because it won't produce the same texture or flavor. If you want ribeye
prepared that way, so be it, but it won't be equal to chicken fried steak.
Ribeye is my very favorite cut of steak for grilling, however.

Wayne Boatwright
Thursday, 06(VI)/26(XXVI)/08(MMVIII)
The death of God left the angels in a
strange position.