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Christine Dabney Christine Dabney is offline
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Default Corn & certain nuts bad for the colon?

On Fri, 27 Jun 2008 03:01:44 -0400, "cybercat" >

>I have no doubt that this is true. I also have no doubt that you are not
>*obnoxious* like "Goomba." At least not as far as I have seen. To begin
>with, WTF chooses a name like "Goomba?"
>I'm just sayin.

When I met Goomba last year, and had dinner with her, and a bunch of
other rfc'ers, including Blake, Boli and Cryambers, I didn't find her
at all obnoxious. I don't think the others did either.

And sometimes folks have nicknames that others have a hard time
comprehending... My best friends are cases in point: they got them
when they were very young, and they stuck.

OB Food: eating some of my leftover chicken a la king...mmm.. A great
late night snack!
