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George Shirley George Shirley is offline
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Default Beets (from CSA) and another question

Woolstitcher wrote:
> I have beets, now ... how to cook them? Any chance I can do something w/
> them on the grill? oh, I have the greens too if that matters.

You can grill them or oven bake them, then you peel the outer layer off.
The greens are excellent cooked like any other green. Ever eat Swiss
chard? That's just a beet green that doesn't make the big root. Just
don't say anything to Barb about eating beets. <VBG>

> I have only cooked canned beets, I guess that really isn't cooking at all
> ... just heating them up.
> I also have these garlic things ... shoots maybe? I have never used them
> either. Any ideas?

Could they be garlic chives? I have those in my herb garden and I just
wash them, blot them off on a paper towel and chop them into any dish I
want to have the garlic flavor in. Even garlic greens are pretty good
chopped into scrambled eggs, omelette's, etc.