Beets (from CSA) and another question
On Fri 27 Jun 2008 08:01:11p, sf told us...
> On Fri, 27 Jun 2008 19:37:07 -0400, Dave Smith
> > wrote:
>>Woolstitcher wrote:
>>> I have beets, now ... how to cook them? Any chance I can do something
>>> them on the grill? oh, I have the greens too if that matters.
>>> I have only cooked canned beets, I guess that really isn't cooking at
>>> ... just heating them up.
>>> I also have these garlic things ... shoots maybe? I have never used
>>> either. Any ideas?
>>They are usually boiled. But FWIW a few days ago I had me first
>>with roasted beets. They were delicious.
> Wish I could find beets with greens or beet greens without having to
> go to a farmer's market (and then finding beet greens is not likely).
> I definitely have to try roasting beats... I'm not very fond of them
> otherwise. Do you roast them like any other roasted vegetable,
> drizzle with olive oil - add anything else?
I'm sure that would work. However, I roast them in a covered pyrex dish
with a tablespoon or two of water. Either way, not boiling them in water
intensifies both the flavor and color.
Make sure to leave the root end intact and leave about an inch of stem on
them, otherwise they will bleed while cooking.
> Want to hear a good addition to roasted brussels sprouts? Sprinkle
> them with shredded (or grated) parmesan cheese and bake. Yum!
Wayne Boatwright
Friday, 06(VI)/27(XXVII)/08(MMVIII)
The cruellest lies are often told in
silence. - Stevenson