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Andy[_2_] Andy[_2_] is offline
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Default High Fructose Corn Syrup free products

Phred said...

> In article >, Andy <q> wrote:
>>Phred said...
>>> In article
>>> >,
>>> Cindy Hamilton > wrote:
>>>>On Jun 26, 2:45=A0pm, "Dan Goodman" > wrote:
>>>>> Organic products tend to be made with "dessicated cane syrup" or
>>>>> "dehydrated cane syrup" rather than HFCS.
>>>>Why the hell can't they just call it "sugar". That's what it is.
>>> Cindy, don't be such a Luddite! Next you'll be complaining about
>>> claims of "cholesterol-free avocados". ;-)

>>There's no cholesterol in avocados!!! Don't go startin' rumors!!!

> In similar vein, I was looking for some icing sugar in the local
> supermarket today and noted the claim that it was "gluten free"!
> I mean, really... Some sugar has gluten in it? :-)
> [However, to be fair to the marketing droids, it *is* true that
> something called "icing sugar mix" contains flour from undefined and
> probably variable sources (no doubt depending on price) and that stuff
> very likely *does* contain gluten. But to an old bugger like me, that
> contaminated stuff is *not* "icing sugar". Icing sugar is *sugar*,
> pure and simple.]
> Cheers, Phred.

Morning, Phred!

The term "mix" can have questionable implications.

Like the difference between juice and nectar. Where juice means no added
sugar while nectar can be some percentage of added sugar, as I remember,

That, recalled from my senior class high school project on food additives.
Geez... brain cells DO last after all!!!


Beware the 'Dew!!!