> Just for the information of dog owners. Beware of sugarless gum with
> zylotol. It is highly poisonous to your pets
There are indeed many ways to injure/kill a hated canine.
A little something I've previously posted:
"If someone is taking their dog out to shit by the sidewalk and not
cleaning up after it, then taking the dog back inside where it will
spend all day until her or her boyfriend get home from work you can
take a 00 size gelatin capsule filled with Pure Cap (made by Garden
Row Foods )
and take a small piece of steak to which you have made an incision
just right to completely enclose the capsule and insert the capsule.
Since dogs scarf small
pieces of meat whole, it will be some time before the capsule
dissolves, but when it does extreme peristalsis will occur, and when
the stuff reaches the large intestine, which has pain sensitive
the dog--no matter how much of a 'good dog' he or she is--will not be
able to control its bowels. Add to that the fact that the dog's
asshole will also be burning like hell right after it shits, and you
know what that'll lead to, right? You guessed it, butthole surfing
across the carpets.
Yeah, all those times I had to walk past that stinking dogshit on my
way to catch the bus to school...It's fun to make the punishment fit
the crime. "