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Edwin Pawlowski Edwin Pawlowski is offline
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Default Hole in new cast iron pan

"svu geek" > wrote in message
>I recently purchased my first cast iron grill pan. After seasoning it
> and cooking burgers in it, I noticed a small hole in the inside
> bottom. The only reason I even noticed the hole is because there was
> grease in the pan and it caused the hole to bubble. I'm wondering if
> this hole is normal or if I should take the pan back and exchange it.
> Here are URLs to pictures of the hole in the pan:
> The pan is Emerilware which is made by All-Clad. Do you all think I
> should exchange it?

Wow, All Clad is supposed to be "the best" according to the prices they
charge. . You have a defective casting that should have bee tossed back in
the crucible at the factory. Take that "made in China" pay back and get a
Lodge made in the USA instead. .