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Christine Dabney Christine Dabney is offline
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Default Lost all my recipes

On Sat, 28 Jun 2008 14:01:35 -0500, Janet Wilder
> wrote:

>I'm so sorry. If it helps, when my hard drive died 2 years ago, the
>Geeks at Best Buy were a lot cheaper than other places to retrieve
>stuff. They managed to get most of my pictures, files and recipes. It
>did take quite a few hours.

Thanks. I might take it there, to see what I can retrieve

>I use MasterCook 7 and I do a backup of recipes and the files I save
>from Usenet and other places every week onto a separate hard drive. Then
>every couple of months I burn those files to a CD.

Speaking of Mastercook...does anyone know what version will work with

I am NOT happy that I have Vista here....LOL

>I don't know what I'd do if I lost my recipes. Probably Google a
>margarita recipe and drink a lot. <g>

I hit up the wine last night...LOL
