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Julia Altshuler Julia Altshuler is offline
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Default Croissants

As we speak, the croissants have had their 4th turn and are now in the
fridge chilling for another 2 hours awaiting time for shaping, rolling,
and baking. We've done our best to follow instructions. We mixed and
kneaded by hand. Jim got out a ruler to make sure we were forming a 14"
square correctly. We had the book out every step of the way and read it
to each other. We don't have a marble block, but we'll keep an eye out
for one and buy one if we can find it for a good price. The original
plan was to see how we did with plain croissants, but now we can't
resist going out to the store for almonds so we can try the frangipane
filling. Jim is starting to notice that it doesn't look like we made
that many. We're excited to try these. If they come out good, we might
have to double the recipe.
