Lost all my recipes
Wayne Boatwright > wrote:
>On Sat 28 Jun 2008 03:06:38p, Steve Pope told us...
>> One gap with this method is it's not resistant to theft of
>Yes, there is that. I don't worry too much about theft, as we have a rather
>sophisticated security system, in fact, the PC is wired into it. If its
>destruction by flood or fire, then I have a lot more to worry about that the
>computer. :-)
>> I am not so thorough with backups myself but I try to keep
>> critical data on two different PC's plus a filesystem at my
>> ISP (which itself does tape backups).
>I failed to say that I keep my laptop synced with my desktop PC, so in fact I
>have yet another copy of everything.
Good plan.
>What I don't particularly trust, regardless of their security and privacy
>claims, is keeping data on an ISP server.
I have an ISP I can trust; a small ISP that caters to engineering
users and has been around since the dawn of the Internet.
I trust that they're doing the tape backups by some reasonable
procedure, and could probably retrieve something from tape;
in the meantime they have never lost data from their servers,
so I figure that's as secure as me archiving it to any
device I might have.
I don't really worry about privacy or snooping or whatever.