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Wayne Boatwright[_3_] Wayne Boatwright[_3_] is offline
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Default Lost all my recipes

On Sat 28 Jun 2008 09:17:21p, PeterLucas told us...

> PeterLucas > wrote in
> .25:
>> Wayne Boatwright > wrote in
>> 6.120:
>>>>> I have a duplicate internal hard drive in my PC. Once a month I use
>>>>> a program to "clone" an exact copy of my primary drive. This makes
>>>>> them completely swappable, and I'm back in business in 5 minutes if
>>>>> the primary drive crashes. I've lost nothing except what I might

>>>>> done in that month. If I'm doing more critical things, I run the
>>>>> program to clone the drive more often.
>>>> Which program is that, Wayne?
>>> It's Seagate DiskWizard, downloadable from the Seagate/Maxtor website.

>> Thanks for that Wayne. Started to look up a few things about it and saw
>> another recommended program, called Acronis TrueImage, so started to
>> download that as well. *Then* I read in a forum that Acronis is actually
>> a copy of Disk Wizard!!
>> So now I'll have to check if my HDD, and portable HDD, are compatable
>> units to use the Disk Wizard.

> Bugger :-(
> Can't use Disk Wizard.
> "To use the product, at least one Seagate or Maxtor device should be
> installed in your system.You can purchase an upgrade to Acronis True

> Home edition by visiting or by clicking on the
> Powered by Acronis logos that appear in the task wizards of the Windows
> application."
> Seems I don't have any S or M devices on my computer (don't know what the
> hell sort it is!!) and external HDD (a Samsung).
> So now, will have to try Acronis, but it's only a 15 day free trial.

Bummer! I guess without thinking about it, there was always either a
Seagate or Maxtor involved in the PCs I used it on.


Wayne Boatwright
Saturday, 06(VI)/28(XXVIII)/08(MMVIII)
Don't be a sexist, broads hate that.