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sf[_3_] sf[_3_] is offline
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Default Hole in new cast iron pan

On Sat, 28 Jun 2008 21:54:41 -0700 (PDT), svu geek
> wrote:

>I did not buy this pan because it's Emerilware, I don't even like

I don't remember anyone mentioning Emerilware one way or the other.
You were the only one who brought it up.

>I bought it because it had deeper ridges than any of the other
>cast iron grill pans I saw. I also read reviews for it that said it
>was a good pan. And lastly, I had a gift card that needed using at the
>store I bought it at and couldn't find anything else there I wanted. I
>wanted a cast iron grill pan and everything I've read indicated this
>one was a good one.

Fine. Buy what you want, it's your money. Personally, I don't think
grill pans deliver enough bang for the buck.
>There's no need for anyone to be rude.

A hole (even if it doesn't go all the way through) is not a minor
imperfection. Return it.

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