On Sat 28 Jun 2008 10:21:23p, PeterLucas told us...
> Wayne Boatwright > wrote in
> 6.120:
>>> Bugger :-(
>>> Can't use Disk Wizard.
>>> "To use the product, at least one Seagate or Maxtor device should be
>>> installed in your system.You can purchase an upgrade to Acronis True
>>> Image Home edition by visiting www.acronis.com/seagate or by clicking
>>> on the Powered by Acronis logos that appear in the task wizards of
>>> the Windows application."
>>> Seems I don't have any S or M devices on my computer (don't know what
>>> the hell sort it is!!) and external HDD (a Samsung).
>>> So now, will have to try Acronis, but it's only a 15 day free trial.
>> Bummer! I guess without thinking about it, there was always either a
>> Seagate or Maxtor involved in the PCs I used it on.
>> Sorry...
> Nahhh, no sweat.
> At least it's made me start looking at 'cloning' or 'ghosting'.
> Up till now I've just been backing up selected folders etc. I'd like to
> be able to do the whole damn thing at the touch of a button, so I'll be
> looking further into this :-)
Maxtor makes a "one-touch" external backup drive in 300GB and 500GM
capacities, and larger I believe. It comes with the requisite software,
and runs $100 plus for the 300GB model.
Wayne Boatwright
Saturday, 06(VI)/28(XXVIII)/08(MMVIII)
If at first you don't succeed, destroy
all evidence that you tried.