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Steve Pope Steve Pope is offline
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Posts: 8,635
Default Scratched my new Nonstick Pan

sf > wrote:

>On Sun, 29 Jun 2008 04:08:46 GMT, Wayne Boatwright

>>Well, Nancy, despite their utility, they are really very decorative. I
>>have umpteen pieces of Le Creuset, and the largest pieces (mostly the
>>ovens) I keep on a rack like this. It takes very little floor space, and
>>as heavy as the pieces are, I don't want them dangling from a hanging rack.


>You spent too much money on pots and then too much money on a place to
>put them. Maybe you got them inexpensively due to your previous work,
>but most people spend real money (and a lot of it) on that stuff. I
>simply can't justify the cost.

How much is too much to spend on pots? I don't think all the
pots in my kitchen cost me $500.

We are not extravagent kitchen spenders, but I'd hate to
have pots and pans I didn't like to use -- it's just too
basic and everyday a thing.
