Got favorite ribs?
Steve Pope wrote:
> In article >, Andy <q> wrote:
>> Steve,
>> Agreed.
>> Still, if you have never lived there and when you see the L.A. basin
>> (SINK) from Mt. Wilson, above all the brown/purple sky down below,
>> day after day!!!
>> If you don't live on the beach, air sucks. If you live on the beach
>> sun roasts. Pick yer poison!
> Oh I know.. I lived and near Pasadena for eight years. (And
> I think the smog was worse then.)
> It was/is brutal, especially the ozone.
> Steve
I've been pricing lawn mowers (Mom pays a lawn service that, as far as I can
tell, does little to nothing). I've noticed many of the web sites indicate
gas powered mowers cannot be sold in CA. A little too little, a little too