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Sqwertz Sqwertz is offline
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Default Recipe Catsup Tacos

Sonia > wrote:

> Recipe: Catsup/Ketchup Tacos
> Ingredients:
> Ketchup/Catsup
> Flour Tortillas
> Directions:
> Travel to your nearest Mexican restaurant. Ask for a table for two.
> Tell the waiter that you are not ready to order because you are
> waiting for your company to arrive. Do not order anything. Observe
> other tables in your vicinity. Spare tortillas are usually kept in a
> styrofoam or metal container. When people exit the dinning area excuse
> yourself for the bathroom. As you pass the unoccupied table, cleverly
> scoop up as many tortillas as possible. After collecting enough
> tortillas exit the restaurant.

That was a pretty lame tale. But I'll bite.

Why not just eat the complimentary tortilla chips and salsa that are
brought to your table right after you sit down. Then, after
pondering the menu for a half hour, just leave?

No Frisbee, no eating at the bus stop, and no traveling all over
town trying to gather ingredients. That's a real no-brainer, but
you took it even lower than that.
