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Giusi[_2_] Giusi[_2_] is offline
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Default Croissants

"Julia Altshuler" > ha scritto nel messaggio > The
results from yesterday's croissant baking marathon are mixed. I was
> excited at the prospect of making perfect flaky buttery croissants on the
> first try. It wasn't a total disaster, but the reality fell short of
> expectation.
> I can't put my finger on it, but I didn't like the flavor. The big
> mistake I made was forgetting the salt. I'm so in the habit when cooking
> of leaving the salt out in the kitchen. That way I can put it on at the
> table, and Jim can leave it off. When baking, I always used to buy salted
> butter, then leave off adding salt from the container. This time I screwed
> up, used unsalted butter, and forgot to add the teaspoon of table salt the
> recipe called for.
> The problem with the flavor could also have been the flour. We used King
> Arthur. The book recommends Gold Metal. Our technique might need
> refining. It was fun rolling out the dough and doing the turns, but I can
> see how if you don't do it exactly right, you can incorporate the butter
> instead of getting it to layer.

I feel sure it is the salt. Tuscan and Umbrian bread are made without salt
and they taste like toilet paper.
> One success was the frangipane. We'd never made that from scratch before,
> and it was wonderful. It's something I'll put in other desserts. Already
> I'm thinking about putting it with apples and pears, maybe in phyllo
> dough.
> --Lia