"sf" <.> wrote:
> On Sat, 28 Jun 2008 17:01:35 +0000 (UTC),
> (Steve Pope) wrote:
> >cybercat > wrote:
> >
> >>It's a light scratch, I made quesadillas and (duhhh) cut them with as
> >>cutter in the pan. I must have been thinking, "old pan."
> >
> >No biggie. Best to train yourself not to do that, THEN buy
> >a couple of Le Creuset pieces. You'll be happier.
> >
> Why? I have one Le Creuset and rarely use it. I don't believe in
> buying decorative cookware when functional cookware is less expensive
> and works just as well.
> What she should have done was take the thing out of the pan and put it
> on the cutting board before cutting.
No, what the cyberIDIOT should have done is buy a friggin' *brain*...maybe
she can get one cheap at Squallmart, same place she got her cheap nonstick
pan, lol.
Her post has gotta be a troll, no one can be *that* stoopid...
She'd be a flop even as a cavewoman cooking for her caveman in 10,000.000
BC, she'd screw that up too...
" I find Greg Morrow lowbrow, witless, and obnoxious. For him to claim that
we are some
kind of comedy team turns my stomach."
- "cybercat" to me on rec.food.cooking