Janet Wilder wrote:
> George Shirley wrote:
>> Phred wrote:
>>> In article >, "Jean B."
>>> > wrote:
>>>> Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>>>>> On Jun 26, 2:45 pm, "Dan Goodman" > wrote:
>>>>>> Organic products tend to be made with "dessicated cane syrup" or
>>>>>> "dehydrated cane syrup" rather than HFCS.
>>>>> Why the hell can't they just call it "sugar". That's what it is.
>>>> To me, it seems like a blatant attempt to trick folks into thinking
>>>> it is somehow better than sugar.
>>> There's a small sugar mill near the Oz tourist ghetto of Cairns that
>>> is producing (or about to produce) some new product called "Low GI
>>> sugar". I'm told it's the result of some recent research (presumably
>>> now patented
that was supported by the mill.
>>> Cheers, Phred.
>> From what I've seen this is supposed to be Low Glycemic Index sugar.
>> Supposedly that makes it better for diabetics.
> Not necessarily. To many diabetics, the GI is just a fiction. There is
> no scientific proof that the GI means anything and there is no science
> behind how the index numbers are allocated to foods. IMHO, it's just
> another gimmick made up by some diet guru.
Maybe so, but I've been diagnosed as a diabetic for over fourteen years
now. I can't eat white rice, drives my blood sugar straight up, can eat
brown rice, only affects me mildly. No pasta made with white flour for
same reason, so I eat whole wheat pasta. I can eat a small amount of
sugar sweetened desserts without a big problem. The glycemic index does
help some of us to determine what we can eat and what we probably
shouldn't. Basically it all boils down to the amount of carbs we eat in
a day and what types.