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Steve Pope Steve Pope is offline
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Default Dressing for Chicken Salad

sf > wrote:

>On Sun, 29 Jun 2008 18:50:55 GMT, Wayne Boatwright

>> Until middle age, did you simply avoid foods prepared
>> with either mayo or MW? Just curious.

>I always specified no mayonnaise on restaurant sandwiches and we never
>used mayo on sandwiches at home. As a kid I preferred German potato
>salad to the stuff made with mayo. But if Mom made potato salad with
>mayo for dinner, I ate it - or else.

I have a similar progression. As a child and most of my adulthood,
I disliked any mayonaisse, which to me all seemed as bad as
Miracle Whip, and would not order it on sandwiches,
did not put it in tuna salad or potato salad when making these
at home. (Olive oil and yogurt and sour cream are your friends.)

What modified my tastes was finally encountering good aiolis
and mayonaisses at restuarants with some level of quality.
Ultimately this back-filtered to where I now like a few jarred
mayonaisse products (recently, some of the Ojai products)
in specific situations, and I will make fresh mayonaisse at home
from time to time. (A favorite being for crab salad sandwiches.)

Still can't usually do Kraft, Best Foods, Spectrum, or current Trader
Joe's mayonaisse products without risking the "disgusting" meme
kicking in. I have not tried Hellmans and may not ever get to that
