Janet Wilder wrote:
> George Shirley wrote:
>> Janet Wilder wrote:
>>> George Shirley wrote:
>>>> Phred wrote:
>>>>> In article >, "Jean B."
>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>> Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>>>>>>> On Jun 26, 2:45 pm, "Dan Goodman" > wrote:
>>>>>>>> Organic products tend to be made with "dessicated cane syrup" or
>>>>>>>> "dehydrated cane syrup" rather than HFCS.
>>>>>>> Why the hell can't they just call it "sugar". That's what it is.
>>>>>> To me, it seems like a blatant attempt to trick folks into
>>>>>> thinking it is somehow better than sugar.
>>>>> There's a small sugar mill near the Oz tourist ghetto of Cairns
>>>>> that is producing (or about to produce) some new product called
>>>>> "Low GI sugar". I'm told it's the result of some recent research
>>>>> (presumably now patented
that was supported by the mill.
>>>>> Cheers, Phred.
>>>> From what I've seen this is supposed to be Low Glycemic Index
>>>> sugar. Supposedly that makes it better for diabetics.
>>> Not necessarily. To many diabetics, the GI is just a fiction. There
>>> is no scientific proof that the GI means anything and there is no
>>> science behind how the index numbers are allocated to foods. IMHO,
>>> it's just another gimmick made up by some diet guru.
>> Maybe so, but I've been diagnosed as a diabetic for over fourteen
>> years now. I can't eat white rice, drives my blood sugar straight up,
>> can eat brown rice, only affects me mildly. No pasta made with white
>> flour for same reason, so I eat whole wheat pasta. I can eat a small
>> amount of sugar sweetened desserts without a big problem. The glycemic
>> index does help some of us to determine what we can eat and what we
>> probably shouldn't. Basically it all boils down to the amount of carbs
>> we eat in a day and what types.
> It's the carbs. DH's been diabetic for 27 years. whole wheat and white
> wheat, white rice and brown rice do exactly the same thing. We practice
> portion control --- a lot.
> You can get away with the number of carbs in a day? Wow! You are lucky.
> Most people I know with diabetes have to watch the number of carbs in
> each meal.
Most of them I know do the same thing I do, learn what you can and can't
eat. I'm what is typically known as a Type II with an apple shape (read
pot belly) and over fifty yo, way over fifty if the truth is known.
I shoot Lantus once a day and Novalog three times a day, about ten
minutes before a meal for Novalog, early morning for Lantus. Seems to
control me in the normal mode if I don't get crazy with the sweets. I
can even eat chocolate bars in moderation without a rise in BG's. Docs
tell me there's probably a couple of hundred types of diabetes versus
just I and II.