Dressing for Chicken Salad
Melba's Jammin' wrote:
> In article >,
> "Jean B." > wrote:
>> The Ranger wrote:
>>> I can't believe you adulterated chicken salad with "apricot
>>> jam," though! "The horror!"
>>> The Ranger
>> I can believe it! I add chutney to some of my chicken salad
>> dressings, so this makes perfect sense to me.
> Thank you.
>> (Of course, I lack access to Barb's preserves....)
> Nonsense. <grin> I'd be happy to send you my price list as long as you
> understand that shipping cost is a bitch.
I'm sure it is. If I get desperate enough... Hmmm. RFC-driven
sales... I don't suppose your line is sold anywhere in
Massachusetts. (You do still have some products made by Gedneys
Jean B.