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metspitzer metspitzer is offline
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Posts: 174
Default Lost all my recipes

On Sun, 29 Jun 2008 19:34:01 -0400, "Jean B." > wrote:

>Serene Vannoy wrote:
>> Jean B. wrote:
>>> metspitzer wrote:
>>>> Christine wrote:
>>>>> Heya folks,
>>>>> I did it again. And I was just getting ready to back everything
>>>>> up...I even got a new backup hard drive. But not soon enough, it
>>>>> seems. My hard drive, or something caused my laptop to die.
>>>>> So..I lost all recipes. I have been saving tons of them from rfc for
>>>>> years now..and if you have posted recipes in the past year or so...I
>>>>> would love to see them again. I can't even begin to remember which
>>>>> ones I had in my files.
>>>>> I am hoping to retrieve some of these files...but in the meantime...
>>>>> Christine
>>>> You should try google docs and keep stuff like this online and you can
>>>> access it from anywhere.
>>> Ah. This might be an even better idea for my recipes etc. Probably
>>> nothing one would not want made public though, I guess.

>> I keep my non-public documents in a password-protected folder on my own
>> domain, and back my domain up regularly. (Of course, anything I would be
>> horrified to have out there in the world, I don't put on the web at all,
>> password or not.)
>> Serene

>Yes, there are different levels of privacy required.... I don't
>have a domain.

Another option for storing general stuff and not CIA stuff is to use

You get 5G of online drive space.