Thread: water or milk?
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Blinky the Shark Blinky the Shark is offline
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Default water or milk?

Lou Decruss wrote:

> On Sat, 28 Jun 2008 15:58:35 -0700, Blinky the Shark
> > wrote:
>>Lou Decruss wrote:
>>> On Fri, 27 Jun 2008 20:18:43 -0700, Blinky the Shark
>>> > wrote:
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> On Sat, 28 Jun 2008 00:28:37 GMT, Wayne Boatwright
>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>>Maybe I'll give a try if I run onto them. They're not commonly
>>>>>>available in the stores I shop.
>>>>> Frankly, I think anything you can buy in a store doesn't remotely
>>>>> resemble home grown for home purposes. IMO: store bought free
>>>>> range is just a notch above caged. Hey, you might like it - Mikey!
>>>>> For me, eggs are expensive enough and I don't appreciate the
>>>>> difference.
>>>>Eggs actually came down about 70 cents per dozen at my usual
>>>>supermarket. From $3.99 or more to, IIRC, $3.39, last time. Didn't
>>>>seem to be a sale -- just a drop.
>>> We paid $.99 this morning. They were just large, but still.

>>I have no idea what larges or smaller ones are worth here.
>>> I'm amazed what people have to pay for things in different parts of
>>> the country.

>>Of course, it also depends on the source. I might have found an
>>equivalent deal if I'd driven all over town looking at Costo and TJ's
>>and Wal*Mart and ...

> This was just an independent grocery store.

Tonight's Datapoint: same chain supermarket as my other report, above,
large eggs $1.99.

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