Thread: zylitol - OT
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BoboBonobo BoboBonobo is offline
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Posts: 81
Default zylitol - OT

cybercat wrote:
> "blake murphy" > wrote in message
> ...
>> On Sat, 28 Jun 2008 08:29:25 -0500, BoboBonobo >
>> wrote:
>>> Billy wrote:
>>>> On Sat, 28 Jun 2008 07:47:07 -0500, BoboBonobo >
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> the dog--no matter how much of a 'good dog' he or she is--will not be
>>>>> able to control its bowels.
>>>> Hope you don't have an arguement with your boyfriend/girlfriend. You
>>>> hold a grudge too long!
>>> What do you mean, "hold a grudge too long!" ???
>>> The time frame in which this did, or did not, take place was a matter of
>>> weeks.
>>> --Bryan

>> nothing like inflicting excruciating pain on a dog in order to punish
>> its owner.

> He's a real class act. This is why his music sucks wind, too.

You want to bring that into the argument? Are you actually familiar
with The Bonobos' material? I've found that very few people have a
negative opinion of the "music." It's my lyrics that people object to.
Let's see, "didactic," "pedantic," "leftist nut-case," "vulgar,"
"offensive," heck all that, but about MY lyrics, not about the musical
composition or performance. If you want to go after my lyrics, fine,
but unless you've listened to the stuff, don't go blowing out your ass
about it. If anyone wants mp3s, I offer them.
Really, Cybercat, have you listened to it?

It's pretty funny when folks like you or Jill, both of whom are also
disliked by quite a few regulars here, jump on the give-Bryan-shit
thing. It's like the kid who gets picked on siding with the bullies.
*See, we hate him too. Can we be included on the anti-Bryan bandwagon
too?* I doubt that this will get you a lunchtime seat with the popular
