In article >, "Nexis" > wrote:
>"Jean B." > wrote in message
>> Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>>> On Jun 26, 2:45 pm, "Dan Goodman" > wrote:
>>>> Organic products tend to be made with "dessicated cane syrup" or
>>>> "dehydrated cane syrup" rather than HFCS.
>>> Why the hell can't they just call it "sugar". That's what it is.
>> To me, it seems like a blatant attempt to trick folks into thinking it is
>> somehow better than sugar.
>I think the biggest reason would be to differentiate between the cane syrup
>and table sugar, which goes through a more extensive refining than the
>dessicated cane syrup does.
Good point Kim. Takes me back to my childhood running around in the
local mill during the crushing. There was a small tap that the
chemists used to sample the syrup that came from the evaporators
before it went up to the crystalisers, and that syrup was finger
lickin' good! We never passed by without doing a spot of
sampling ourselves! :-)
Cheers, Phred.