Thread: zylitol - OT
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Bobo Bonobo® Bobo Bonobo® is offline
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Default zylitol - OT

On Jun 30, 2:58*am, "Michael \"Dog3\"" > wrote:
> BoboBonobo > *news:AqadnanPxcIG8
> : in
> > And maybe you care more about the well being of dogs more than you of
> > the well being of members of your own species.

> Hmmm... Well in my case I prefer my animals over about 90% of the human
> beings I've met. *So yes, I suppose I care more abou the well beings of
> dogs over humans. *

You are a species traitor. If you choose to live in a dwelling with
those stinking beasts, hey, go for it, but I doubt that you take the
across the street, shit them between the sidewalk and street and leave
it there to disgust passersby.

> Especially humans that prefer doing damage to a helpless
> animal over the animals owner. *Rather cowardly approach IMO.

The dog wasn't damaged, merely put into a bit of discomfort. In war,
there's almost always some collateral damage, and I'd say if one can
limit it to an hour or two of unpleasantness, with no lasting effects,
that's doing pretty good. The unpleasantness suffered by the owners
however, is a thing of beauty and justice.

I'd also suggest that if you love animals so much that their well
being trumps that of humans, that you should give up eating meat. You
ARE, I'm sure, aware of the way chickens and cows are treated at
slaughtering time. Then there are pigs, quite possibly smarter than
dogs, which are left to stew in their own excrement. Unlike a dog,
which will happily roll in its own filth, pigs like to be clean.

Are you a human that prefers "doing damage to a helpless animal" over
giving up pork roast? That's not a rhetorical question.

Besides, like the road trip to WI, where only cash was used, and
cameras left at home, no one has any way of knowing for certain what I
actually did, or did not do.
> Michael
